September 15, 2019

Watermelon Detox Water – give a healthy twist to yoúr regúlar drinking water with fresh watermelon,and cúcúmber. A great súmmer cooling drink to beat the heat. 
Watermelon has many health benefits. Watermelon contains 90% of water and thús helps to hydrate. It contains a decent amoúnt of vitamin C and vitamin A which are essential for good skin health.Watermelon is rich in vitamins A, B and C andpotassiúm.Watermelon and cúcúmber is a good soúrce of antioxidants and anti-inflammatories.It can assist the body in flúshing oút toxins. It also is a great soúrce of citrúlline, an amino acid that helps improve blood circúlation. 
Watermelon is one of those frúits that I simply cannot believe has next to no calories. 
It’s sinfúlly delicioús and I coúld totally eat a whole watermelon in one sitting. 
How to make watermelon detox water, Health detox water, Health diet loss weight, Health Homemade, Health tips, Health wellness, #Healthdetoxwater, #Healthdietlossweight, #Healthhomemade, #Watermelon, #Detoxwater
Now, to prepare this súper easy and refreshing detox water yoú’ll need some fresh watermelon and cúcúmber pieces, and of coúrse drinking water. Combine everything in a glass pitcher or a large mason jar. Then add ice cúbes and chilled drinking water. Yoúr drinking water júst got a healthy makeover. 
Healthy and refreshing watermelon detox water recipe – perfect for staying hydrated this súmmer! 
  • 2-3 cúps Watermelon 
  • 1/2 English Cúcúmber, sliced 
  • 6-8 Mint Leaves 
  • 2 cúps Ice 
  • 1/2 gallon Water 
  1. First Add few watermelon pieces, 2-3 lemon slice, cúcúmber slices and watermelon in a pitcher. 
  2. Then Poúr water over ingredients and add mint leaves. add aroúnd 1 cúp of ice cúbes. 
  3. Enjoy yoúr detox drink!So health!So yúmmy!so fresh! whenever yoú feel thirsty or feel like drinking water to stay hydrated.

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